Community Partner Stipend
In the spirit of collaboration, Care Connections is offering up to eight $10,000 stipends to support community-based organizations partnering with Care Connections hospitals on chronic disease and community health projects.
Eligible organizations:
- are 501(c)(3) not-for-profit community-based organizations;
- serve New York state residents;
- are partnering (or planning to partner by April 1, 2025) with a Care Connections hospital; and
- have a mission that aligns with the ethical principles, tenets and teachings of the Roman Catholic faith, according to the Mother Cabrini Health Foundation.
Recipients will be selected based on project feasibility, potential impact and fiscal integrity. More than one community partner affiliated with a Care Connections hospital may apply for and be awarded funding.
Stipend recipients will enter into an agreement to be reimbursed as often as once per month for up to $10,000 to support the implementation of chronic disease/community health projects.
- March 6 Optional info session
- April 8 Application deadline
- April 17 Stipend recipients announced
- April 30 Signed agreement due
- May 7 Mandatory info session on reporting requirements
- June 24 First reimbursement request due
- Aug. 10 Interim report due
- Sept. 10 Second reimbursement request due
- Nov. 10 Final report and third reimbursement request due
Participants must:
- enter into an agreement with HERF to be reimbursed for up to $10,000 for chronic disease/community health work done in partnership with a Care Connections hospital;
- attend a mandatory 1.5-hour online presentation in May, including a stipend reporting overview and a financial orientation, which will cover expense reporting requirements;
- meet at least monthly with their HANYS project manager and partner hospital or health system, between May and October;
- submit the first reimbursement request form and required attachments by June 24;
- submit the interim report and reimbursement request form by Aug. 10;
- submit the final report, financial reimbursement request form and other required attachments by Nov. 10.
Applicant resources
Please contact Maria Baum, stipend project lead, at