Minority populations are at increased risk for chronic health conditions, lack of health insurance and substandard housing. In October 2022, White Plains Hospital hosted New York state’s first Youth Summit to promote racial, ethnic and gender diversity among healthcare professionals to improve care access and patient outcomes, and to better reflect the community it serves.
The Summit was a tremendous interdisciplinary and multi-institutional effort. WPH partnered with a national organization seeking to increase the number of black men in the field of medicine, Black Men In White Coats, as well as multiple medical schools and partners in other Montefiore hospitals for this first-of-its-kind Westchester event. The Summit brought together middle school and high school students, parents, physicians and community leaders for a full day of healthcare activities, including respiratory intubation simulation, CPR and networking with healthcare professionals from diverse backgrounds.
The Summit offered hands-on breakout sessions for students and lectures for parents facilitated by doctors, clinical psychologists, community leaders, respiratory therapists, nurses, nursing technicians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants and administrators. After the event, students were given the opportunity to enroll in Black Men in White Coats’ PreMed Mondays, providing guidance to pursue medicine as a career. The Youth Summit and PreMed Mondays are completely free to those enrolled.
The Summit was sold out, with more than 200 participants. Survey results were overwhelmingly positive. The majority of respondents were “very satisfied” with every session offered and agreed that the program “effectively provided an engaging & inspiring experience.” This event will continue into 2023, with the next Youth Summit scheduled for Nov. 4.
For more information, contact Ashley Liberatore, director, community outreach, at 914.681.2303 or aliberatore@wphospital.org.