November 1, 2024 News Headlines
- Join HANYS' Age-Friendly New York State Action Community!
- New York sub-region selected for CMS AHEAD model
- Upcoming events
Join HANYS' Age-Friendly New York State Action Community!
Are you interested in implementing Age-Friendly care? Register for our Nov. 13 recruitment webinar to learn more about our Age-Friendly Action Community and how it will guide participating health systems to achieve IHI recognition.
New York sub-region selected for CMS AHEAD model
CMS announced that a downstate sub-region of New York will participate in the third cohort of AHEAD. Participating hospitals will work to manage healthcare costs, enhance primary care and promote health equity through a cooperative funding agreement, hospital global budgets and primary care investments. The voluntary initiative’s two-year pre-implementation period starts in January, followed by eight performance years. DOH has also committed $2.2 billion toward preparing financially distressed safety net hospitals in selected regions for this model as part of its 1115 waiver program.
Upcoming events
Nursing home back-to-basics series: Site visit readiness
Nov. 4 and 18
Healthcare Middle Manager Virtual Training
Nov. 5-6
Government relations update series
Nov. 8
Age-Friendly Health Systems Action Community recruitment webinar
Nov. 13
Fall 2024 HIM user group meeting
Nov. 14
Post-acute and continuing care quarterly meeting
Nov. 20
Latest updates on HIPAA, web tracking and state privacy laws
Nov. 21
Surgical Value Incubator: Identifying high-value solutions to improve surgical care
Nov. 22