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July 26, 2024 News Headlines

Learn from The Academy’s industry experts, award-winning educators

The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement combines HANYS’ nationally recognized and in-depth healthcare industry knowledge with Cornell University’s executive education expertise. Experience healthcare-focused, actionable learning from the best in the business — learn more and register today!

Resources and expectations for nursing homes with residents seeking to return to the community

DOH’s July 11 letter to nursing homes identifies resources available to staff working with residents interested in returning to community life. Learn more about the letter, including DOH expectations for reviewing and distributing informational materials and the local contact agency to which nursing homes should refer residents who want to return to the community in our July 23 Member Update.

Upcoming events

Key components of the CY 2025 Medicare outpatient payment proposed rule 

Aug. 1 

Practical guidance to improve diagnostic quality and safety 
Aug. 8 

Standing membership call on state and federal issues 

Aug. 20 

Giving up the reins: Enhancing virtual nursing through change management 

Aug. 29 

44th Annual Trustee Conference 

Sept. 12-14