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July 21, 2023 News Headlines

HANYS sign-in system changing July 25

HANYS is expanding our use of the Okta sign-in system across our websites, event registrations and other online applications — meaning stronger digital security with a simpler sign-in experience. If you’re a regular HANYS.org user or attend our events, you should receive an email from noreply@okta.com on Monday, July 24, with a link to activate your account. Once activated, you’re good to go! Any time you visit HANYS.org on or after Tuesday, July 25, you’ll be prompted to sign in.

State regulatory activity

This week’s regulatory updates include the adoption of the clinical staffing in general hospitals regulations and an extension of the PPE and communicable disease emergency regulations. Stay up to date on recent regulatory activities with HANYS’ regulatory chart.

Answers to frequently asked PHE unwind questions

| New York State of Health has posted an FAQ document addressing the public health emergency unwind and redetermination process. DOH will continue to update the document as needed.

Upcoming events

HANYS standing membership call on state and federal issues
July 25

Understanding the CY 2024 Medicare home health proposed rule
July 26

Novel Research: How a positive safety climate improves patient outcomes and occupational health
July 27

HANYS standing membership call on state and federal issues
Aug. 8