September 16, 2022 News Headlines
- Spotlight on Buffalo General Medical Center
- Registration open for HANYS’ Virtual SWAT
- Invest in employee engagement to thrive in the future
- Upcoming events
Spotlight on Buffalo General Medical Center
Their Food as Medicine program has built a culture of local food procurement practices and increased their community’s access to healthy food. Learn more in our Member Spotlight.
Registration open for HANYS’ Virtual SWAT
This three-session event starting Oct. 27 will examine the state of the managed care market and discuss strategies and explore opportunities for improving your position in the future. Register now and explore trends in federal and state policy, the impact of legal challenges on plan behavior and the use of data to strengthen your financial and business strategies.
Invest in employee engagement to thrive in the future
The rise in employee disengagement demonstrates the need for organizational leaders and their trustees to focus on workforce challenges. Access workforce resources in the September edition of Trends and learn why human capital is essential to a successful investment strategy at the HTNYS Annual Conference Sept. 29 – Oct. 1.
Upcoming events
The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement
Sept. 18 – Nov. 8
A better patient experience and a healthier bottom line
Sept. 20
A dose of caution: Addressing medication safety in your organization
Sept. 21
New Joint Commission requirements to improve healthcare equity
Sept. 22
Government relations update call
Sept. 23
Standing membership call
Sept. 27
Digital transformation and the modern user experience
Sept. 27
Preventing and responding to aggressive patient behavior, part two
Sept. 27, Nov. 3, Nov. 17 and Dec. 8
Best practices to combat denials: Keep calm and appeal like a lawyer
Sept. 28
42nd Annual Trustee Conference: Strategy for a new normal
Sept. 29 – Oct. 1
Advancing Healthcare Excellence and Inclusion Virtual Learning Series: Building strong coalitions
Sept. 30
Understanding FEMA Public Assistance funding requests for COVID-19
Oct. 3
Workshop for executive assistants to the C-suite and board coordinators
Oct. 6, Oct. 12, Oct. 19, Oct. 26 and Nov. 2