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The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement

The deadine to apply for this scholarship has passed. Check back for more opportunities in the future.


To be eligible for this scholarship, an applicant must be a current full-time employee at a HANYS member organization.

Applicants are eligible to receive only one scholarship for 2024; applications for more than one program will not be considered. Prior scholarship recipients are not eligible to apply for an additional scholarship for five years.

This program is best suited for those who recently assumed a leadership role or are working toward advancement, generally those with more than five years of experience.

Applicants from underrepresented populations in healthcare leadership are strongly encouraged to apply.

How to apply

To apply for a scholarship, please complete the online application by COB June 12, 2024. You must complete all required questions before exiting the online application or your progress will be lost. To help you prepare to complete the online application, a list of required questions is available here. Only applications submitted online will be considered.

Note: A personal essay (up to 500 words) explaining your personal commitment to health equity, relevant past work, how your participation would contribute to your career goals and how you intend to apply what you learn to improve health equity is required for this scholarship.

Applicants for this scholarship must also include a letter of recommendation from their supervisor or a member of their organization’s leadership team.


All applications will be reviewed by a selection committee comprised of experts in health equity. Scholarship recipients will be selected based on the merits of eligibility, personal essay and the potential impact of the award on the applicant’s career goals and anticipated impact on improving health equity. All submitters will be notified of the outcome of their application this summer.

Recipients of The Academy for Healthcare Leadership Advancement scholarship will receive complimentary tuition. Recipients will be responsible for booking their own travel arrangements and will be reimbursed directly for travel expenses up to $1,500 upon the provision of receipts.


HANYS reserves the right not to make an award, based upon the evaluation of all applications by the selection committee.


Questions should be directed to Christina Miller-Foster, senior director, Quality Advocacy, Research, and Innovation at cfoster@hanys.org.