Data visualizations and interactive tools
HANYS is a leader in effective healthcare analytics. Leveraging state, federal and member data resources, HANYS’ data informatics department uses analytics to support HANYS’ advocacy agenda and develop sound policy positions. Members can log-in to view facility-specific analyses that help define financial, care quality and care pattern shifts within the changing healthcare landscape or explore our data visualizations and interactive tools below.

Community Health Initiatives Tool
Community Health Initiatives Tool
Hospitals and health systems across New York state engage in many collaborative initiatives to improve the health and well-being of their communities. This tool highlights programs HANYS members have implemented that are related to the New York State Prevention Agenda that aims to improve the health and well-being of all New Yorkers and promote health equity.
Contact: Nick Henley

Significant State Legislation
Significant State Legislation
This tool highlights state legislation of importance to our member hospitals, health systems and continuing care providers. It includes recently enacted laws, key bills that passed both houses and other important legislation that failed to advance this year but could be part of the Legislature's coming agenda.
Contact: Stephanie Davis

Health Equity
Health Equity
The tool offers hospital quality experts and health equity stakeholders a crosswalk of federal and national hospital equity measures, including key information on performance standards and timelines.
Contact: Erin Gretzinger

Advocacy Resource Center
Advocacy Resource Center
Advocacy Resource Center is a tool available for both HANYS members and policymakers at state and federal levels. The tool offers information on legislators representing New York hospitals, profiles of hospitals within legislative districts, and resources for advocacy efforts.
Contact: Stephanie Davis

Quality program reference guide
Quality program reference guide
The QPRG tool provides hospital clinical quality experts and other stakeholders with information on the quality measures, performance standards, scoring formulas, timelines and other key details related to Medicare's various hospital inpatient quality programs and ratings.
Contact: Melanie Graham

Graduate Medical Education Policy Scroller
Graduate Medical Education Policy Scroller
A major physician shortage is predicted within the U.S. healthcare system due to an increase in the aging population, population health demands, the aging physician workforce and other factors. This scroller reviews CMS policies around hospital graduate medical education and what can be done to offset anticipated physician shortages.
Contact: Melanie Graham

Litigation Tracker
Litigation Tracker
This tool monitors the progress of critical litigation matters that impact HANYS’ advocacy and policy priorities.
Contact: Sandi Toll

Economic & Community Benefit
Economic & Community Benefit
HANYS' series of analyses illustrate the impact of hospitals and health systems across the state. Browse our statewide, region, legislative, and hospital- and system-specific reports to see how New York's hospitals and health systems impact their local economies and benefit their communities.

Federal Legislative Tracker
Federal Legislative Tracker
This interactive tool lets you easily track New York State Congressional Delegation members’ support for HANYS’ legislative priorities and congressional “Dear Colleague” sign-on letters.
Contact: Cristina Batt